We love summer! There is nothing like relaxing by the sea, spending long days reading in the pool, or enjoying the good weather with friends on a terrace. However, we should be cautious about prolonged exposure to the sun and the effects that it can cause burns, photodermatitis, acceleration of skin ageing or even photocarcinogenesis (skin cancer). Furthermore, we should also be careful with other harmful effects of high temperatures, such as heatstroke.

Do you want to enjoy the summer in all its fullness? Take note of these tips!

  • During the heaviest solar hours (between 13:00 and 16:00), look for shade and protect yourself with sunglasses, cap or hat and a T-shirt. Also, even if you are not going to sunbathe directly, you should not leave home without applying sunscreen.
  • Heat and humidity make us lose some liquids, so during these months you should especially look after your hydration level. You should drink at least two litres of water a day, and complement them with other healthy options, such as iced teas or refreshing drinks of aloe and fruits from Naturae.
  • To help digestion, choose a lighter diet based on foods rich in water, vitamins and minerals. A great option is to choose seasonal fruits and vegetables for our snacks between meals: watermelon, melon, cucumber, nectarines, plums, etc.
  • In summer you do not have to stop doing sports, but it will be especially important that you always keep yourself hydrated (carry a bottle of water with you everywhere you go). Preferably practice aquatic exercises (swimming, water polo, etc.) to avoid raising your body temperature excessively, and do it at the right times, avoiding the warmest moments. Don’t forget to always apply sunscreen! Keep in mind that water does not protect us from sunburn.
  • Avoid synthetic materials and tight clothing: to stay cool, nothing like linen or cotton, as they will allow your skin to breathe better.
  • We do not need excuses to take a short siesta (less than 30 minutes), but even experts advise a brief stop at midday so that our organism can recover from the extra efforts it makes due to temperature increases.
  • The sleeping posture can also sharpen or reduce our warm feeling, since if we put ourselves on our side, we will have less skin in contact with the sheets and, therefore, we will feel cooler.
  • Sleeping at temperatures above 28 degrees is an odyssey. In order to reduce suffocation at home we can use air conditioning or fans, but be careful with direct exposure to them, adjust their temperature (you should not lower them from 22 degrees) and do not leave them on all night.
  • If you feel overheated, take a lukewarm shower. Contrary to what you may think, it is better not to do it with very cold water, since it would stimulate the activation of the body, generating more internal warmth. And if you go in a hurry and you do not have time for a shower, refresh yourself by wetting your neck and wrists. You will instantly notice some comfort!
  • To prevent that the heat “sneaks in” at home, close the windows and keep the blinds down during the day. Also, try reducing your domestic heat sources when you’re not using them: lamps and small household appliances can increase the temperature by a couple of degrees. And keep in mind that the increase in humidity produces a higher warm feeling, so avoid boiling food or hanging clothes indoors, especially during warmer hours.

Have we left any tricks behind? Tell us yours!

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